Saturday, March 10, 2012

The long days feel like weeks, yet it seems as though we just arrived yesterday.

We just learned the ropes and tomorrow we're opening the VRC ourselves.

We're running on fumes, but the good work we're doing is getting us through.

It's outrageous to think we've already been here a week today.  Like I mentioned, it feels like I've been here for a only a day, yet as long as a month all at the same time.

I got out in the field leading volunteers again yesterday.  That was when it really hit that what we're doing here is really something.  I was assigned to a house with some volunteer teachers who had the day off school.  Up until this point I had only been moving construction debris to dumpsters, but today was a little different.  These teachers and I were helping this homeowner move what was part of their home into a dumpster.  Within the pile of construction debris were shoes, sweatshirts and Christmas ornaments.  We moved this persons life into a dumpster.  It was a feeling I've never felt before.  It really spotlighted that the tornado in Stone County changed lives.  We weren't just sawing up trees, we were throwing destroyed Christmas ornaments into a dumpster.

Two weeks ago this was someone's home.  Now it's in a dumpster.

Now, it's not all work for us.  We've found time for a little fun and time to unwind.  Last night we had free tickets to Dixie Stampede.  Seriously, look it up.  It was so much fun.  Mom- You would have liked all of the horses in the show.  Tomorrow we are in charge of the VRC from 9:30 to noon, and then we're getting the afternoon off!  I get to sleep in, and I have the afternoon off, woah.  Nick, my TL is coming over to our county to check out our housing, but other than that my only obligation is to relax.  Looking forward to it for sure.  We also have free tickets to an IMAX show, so maybe we'll check that out.

Life is good.  Crazy, but I guess I wouldn't have it any other way right now. I'm missing familiar faces, but I'll see them soon enough.  I'm tired, but I'm loving what I'm doing.   

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