This past month all 280 corps members have been organized into four units. Earth, water, fire, and my own unit of sun. Within each unit are teams of roughly 10 to 12 corps members each with a team leader.
In order for us to get to know each other and for the team leaders to get to know us before they placed us in permanent teams we shuffled around every couple of days in temporary teams.
I am happy to report that the shuffling is over and I have been placed on my permanent team. Now, there is a little side note to go with team selection. Of the 28 teams on campus, 3 are designated as fire management teams. I, Nathalie Besse, applied to be on a fire management team. Can you believe it? (To apply we had to do a number of things which I will cover in another post.) So to add to my nervousness about finding out my permanent team, I was also nervous about whether I would make the fire management team or not.
Finding out our teams was quite the adventure. The team leaders put together a scavenger hunt of sorts.
We started out with all 70 sun unit corps members in a circle facing inward with our eyes closed. The team leaders taped words to our backs and told us that we needed to sort ourselves into teams based on our words without talking. We started this process and were having a tough time. None of the words seemed to really correlate with each other.
After 5 minutes of confusion and frantically trying to figure out how words matched up in silence a staff member comes outside to where we are and stops us. He tells us we all need to immediately go back to our dorm rooms because they need to investigate an incident that happened on campus over the weekend.
Disappointed we have to stop our team search, we all reluctantly head back to our dorm rooms. When I arrived at my door, I found a note with my name on it. I read it and immediately started laughing. It read something like this... "Haha, Gotcha! To find out your team go to (place on campus) for your next clue." We each ended up having to visit a few places on campus before we were directed by our final note to go to the AmeriCorps offices.
I head on over to the offices and find that everyone is being blindfolded and directed to sit on the grass. I sit there for 5 minutes or so blindfolded, and in silence as directed, as everyone else in the unit arrives and is also blindfolded.
Next, a team leader comes, takes my hand, and tells me we are going to go somewhere else. She leads me to what I eventually figure out is one of the 15 passenger vans and tells me to hop in the back, buckle up, and remain silent.
Now, as you may know, I have a little bit of a claustrophobia issue. Mostly when I feel trapped. Sitting in the back of a hot, stale aired, van while blindfolded induced a little bit of a panic. For a minute or two I thought I may have to bail and go stand outside, but I held strong. I took a few deep breaths and opened the back window. But man, that was definitely a heart pounding minute or two.
Eventually the van filled up with people, someone got in the drivers seat, and said person started the van. Next thing I know we were in motion and driving. Keep in mind we were are all still blindfolded and not allowed to talk at this time. We drove for 5 minutes or so and then the van pulled over and the driver spoke.
Come back tomorrow for part 2 of team reveal.