My round in Eudora ended with less than fireworks. The rest of my team loved the project and really felt like we were making a difference. Not so for myself, I felt like I spent the mornings babysitting 20 toddlers. Alas, it's over and done and I have moved onto more interesting things.
Transition week in Denver was fun, albeit a bit overwhelming. It was my first real transition week, as we missed the last one while we were in Branson doing disaster relief, and I found it mediocre. It was great to see friends from other teams and especially Paul, but there was a lot of spare time that was spread out and in result didn't end up in enough time to actually go anywhere and do anything. A few highlights included an awesome yoga class at a place in Cherry Creek called Kindness Yoga. It was a tad expensive coming in at $10 (a days wage), but it was great to get off campus and get my yoga on. The big highlight of the week was seeing the Denver Symphony Orchestra. A group of or so of us headed down to the Performing Arts Complex with our fingers crossed hoping we'd be able to snag some student rush tickets. We were in luck! We were able to schmooze with the ticket guy and get $80 seats for $10!

It was a special performance that included a full chorus for the 2nd half of the performance.
Paul, Kat, and I at the symphony. I got a haircut!
As you can infer from the blog post title, I am currently back in Oklahoma. My team and I are living at Cedar Lake campground and it's been a fun experience.
This is my new home.
We have a group campsite and I was able to stake my claim to a spot in the corner where I am able to find some solitude at the end of our long days. I get my own tent, which is awesome. They are pretty roomy, but would get cramped quickly with two people plus belongings.
While in Eudora, I ordered a hammock from REI. I love it. It's so great to relax in and is so unbelievably comfortable.
Our group bathhouse, gotta love it. Mosquitoes and all.
Monday my team finds out if we've been assigned to detail in Arizona to fight the fires that have broken out there. We'd drive to Fort Worth and then fly out. Our sponsors said there's about a 60% chance we'd get assigned, but my gut instinct is that we'll be staying in Oklahoma.
Other exciting news, I received a Team Leader position for next year! Monday I find out my exact job, but I'm pretty sure I get to be an office TL, which was my first choice! I'm super excited about it.
My internet time is about out, but I'll do my best to write again soon!